'Angel's Archive' strives to ensure full compliance with intellectual property laws and to ensure that listed items do not infringe on the copyright of third parties. In accordance with this, if you wish to make a complaint regarding alleged infringement then please follow the relevant guidance below to allow us to respond appropriately.
- Visit the 'Contact Us' page on our website.
- Send a message with the following information:
◦ Full contact information (full name, postal address, email address and phone number).
◦ The title of the item listed you believe to infinge intellectual property.
◦ Give a description of how you believe the intellectual property is allegedly infringed.
- We will then aim to respond within 48 hours to assess your complaint.
- Visit the 'Contact Us' page on our website.
- Send a message with the following information:
◦ Full contact information (full name, postal address, email address and phone number).
◦ The title of the item listed you believe to infinge intellectual property.
◦ Give a description of how you believe the intellectual property is allegedly infringed.
- We will then aim to respond within 48 hours to assess your complaint.